After an hour and half or so of us trying to pull Ramie's (our 3rd girl) 2 bottom teeth....we finally did it!
I mean we pulled out all the stops, tylenol to calm her down and help with the pain to come, tying string around it and letting her pull on it on her own....etc. Out of the 2 kids, so far, that have lost teeth it has not been by my hand! I am NOT the tooth puller in the family, either the thing will fall out on its own or you pull it your self.
That wasn't the case here....Ramie is my last baby girl, so we all have spoiled her rotten, not that the other girls aren't spoiled but Ramie is the "princess" of the household and she KNOWS it!
As all the turmoil is going on she looks at me and says, "I want moma to do it", I started freaking out my self because as I said I DON'T DO TEETH! But of course I could not let my princess down, if she wanted moma to do it by golly I was gonna muster up the courage and do it! Usually being the picture taker/video maker of the family, I instead have the task of pulling the teeth. Please be advised that the video you are about to see seems like we are killing our child....but we are not! She is just really scared, as you will see in the video we lost the tooth. We did, for a minute or two, but we found it in her dress!
o i love this Alexie just lost her 2 bottom teeth in the same day but i could not pull them her aunt did so u go girl