Thursday, January 10, 2013

Deployment #5

We have now entered into this deployment, and I have to say it has been a lot harder than usual. I have been way more emotional and on edge. The kids on the other hand have been....well unaffected by it. I don't understand it. I am not sure if its because they are used to him leaving so much or if they are just stronger than me.
There is one huge factor that is different this time around than any of the others. My brother in law has moved in with us and has been a huge help as far as entertaining the kids. That does help! My mother in law also came and stayed with us for a few days before my husband left. That was also nice to have help and be able to have someone stay with the kids (that i didn't have to pay), while the 2 of us went out.
Now its just a waiting game, waiting for a phone call or an email, waiting for him to get online, waiting for a chance to be able to Skype with out interruptions (on both ends).
 I have already started gathering items to send in care packages. We have heard that the place he will be at in Afghanistan has no PX or place for them to buy essential items. Also thanks to Obama and budget cuts they are no longer feeding the soldiers breakfast, only lunch and dinner. So honey buns, granola bars and such will be his breakfast for a while.
I am going to try and save all receipts from the care packages this time and see how much it adds up to. I am sure that the money I spend to send him breakfast food, snacks and other things such as body wash etc... along with all the other wives that are doing it, would cost more than the government feeding them a hot breakfast. BUT who am I to argue with the president and his laws. There is a prison close to where we live, I am sure those prisoners get a hot breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. Ok you all get my point lol I will get off my soap box :)
I hope to stay up-to-date with my blog. It gives me something to do and getting things off my chest helps.I love getting feed back, please if you are reading this and you have any advice, tips or just want to say something about my thoughts feel free to do so :)